What is Pure Hoopla all about?

Whether you’re pinching pennies or simply a smart shopper, we want you to celebrate the moments of your life with beautiful stationery at affordable prices. And what’s more affordable than free? We worked to find a creative solution to provide cards a discount or even free.
How do we do it?

Discounted or free printed stationery in a modern world… how do we do it? We find partners who want to provide you with new products at impossible-to-beat prices. Simply sign on, get deals for products you already need, and save money. What could be better?
What do you get?6

It’s simple. You get beautiful, designer cards printed on hefty paper. Announce the birth of your newest arrival, invite friends to a shower, or write thank you notes on personalized stationery, all at no cost to you. Skip the hassle of pricing the newest products on a variety of websites. We have stylish cards at an unbeatable price!

What do your friends get? Your friends and family get special offers printed on the back of your card. Our partners don’t put offers like this in the Sunday paper, so your friends and family are sure to thank you and, of course, ask, “Where did you find those adorable cards?” Watch their faces when you tell them how it works!
Why do we do it?

We think we’re just like you: Moms with lots to do, things to buy, and lots to give. We wanted to create a place for every woman to come and find a sanctuary of stationery that would bring sanity, grace, and even a little saving back into her day.
Speaking of moms, growing up, our mothers taught us that nothing spoke louder to friends than hand-written notes. Now we have worked to pass that gesture along to our kids, which is why Santa always brings thank you notes in his Christmas sack!

baby shower invitations
If you think about it, these days we stay in touch with our friends over the internet, through emails, and by text message. We’re connected virtually but sometimes the real moments of life call for old-fashioned paper and ink, something you can touch, feel and even stick on the fridge. It’s a boy! It’s a girl! Gee, she has her father’s chin! Celebrate!… you can type them in black and white or we can make them come to life for all your friends to see, free!

Curious about the Founder?

I’m Melissa, a “mom-trepreneur” from the bustling metropolis of Atlanta, Georgia, looking for a few simple ways to slow down and catch a breather in the carpool lane. I’ve figured out how to do it and we want to share that information with you. If you figure out how to get chocolate out of embroidery, let me know and we’ll call it even.

A “green experience”

As mothers, we care about what kind of planet we’re leaving for our children. As a result, all of our cards are printed on 60% recycled paper. And, instead of being tossed in the round file bin at the end of the day, the partnership coupons on the back mean that they’ll be used again. We’re doing our part, one card at a time.

Source: Pure Hoopla

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